Saturday, June 4, 2011

Work in Progress; DRAWING!

I've been feeling very artsy lately!

I started this piece last weekend. I worked on it for one day just to have a rough sketch/guideline for the next time I worked on it.

P.S. I know the lighting isn't great. My camera officially stopped working a week ago. So I've been taking pictures with my phone.

hehehe Isn't it LOVELY?! hahahaha It looks scary in my opinion. This is how my pictures usually start off. hahaha I just like to see the before and after images because I'm just like, "How did I turn this into that?" haha

Here's the picture as of right now below...I'll work on it more tomorrow and then I'll continue working on it next weekend. I only draw on the weekends.

The left eye isn't complete. So it looks odd. heee

have a good night!


  1. wow amazingg! wish i was that good o__o

    new follower ;D <3

  2. amazing! looks so great! every time I draw eyes they end up too cartoon-ish. How do you do them so good?

    come visit and tell me what you think of my blog?

  3. Ahleessa: Thank you!

    just Jennifer: Thank you and thank you for following me! <3 :)

    Elizabeth: Uhm, I don't know? lol Honestly, I don't know how I draw eyes well??? And will do! If you have any questions about drawing let me know! I'll try to give you my best answer, and honestly I don't know how to explain the eyes thing. LOL
